We have just finished our new LYON EXPAT HANDBOOK and would be happy to share this guide with you :
FRANCE’S second largest city after Paris, Lyon is quickly becoming one of Europe’s most visited cities!
Ideally situated geographically, Lyon is but a two hour train ride from Paris, the Mediterranean coast, Geneva, Italy, and from some of the best skiing in the Alps.
Registered as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, Lyon is a city rich in history, highlydeveloped cultural and business interests, a lovely geographic setting, and a “not too big, not too small” feel. Lyon has a lot going for it!
The purpose of this guide is to provide helpful information to anyone who is planning to come or new to Lyon .
We want to make your life easier by doing everything we can to help your transition and integration to be as smooth as possible.
Before leaving, Important Documents and Paperwork, Your Arrival in Lyon, Getting Acquainted with Your New City, Finding Housing, Banking, Children’s Education, Getting from here to There : Public Transportation, Driving in France, Health & Emergency Services, Meeting the Locals, Care for Your Pre-School Children, Getting Out & About: Discovering Lyon!, Cultural Events, La Gastronomie Lyonnaise: Eating Out, Shopping, Sporting Events and Athletic Facilities, Places of Worship, Doing it the French way: Understanding local customs, Day Trips and weekend Getaways, “Bons Plans” Lyon Expat….
If you want to get a copy of our Expat Handbook, or more information on our relocation services, please feel free to contact us at : info@lyon-expat.com