Today the Rhône-Alpes Region and its capital, Lyon belongs to the major regions of the European Union because of its size, its population and its wealth.
Lyon is very well located geographically, its population is young and active, its industry is innovative and creative.
The Rhone-Alpes region is the second exporting region in France.
Lyon has a significant international potential and is particularly known for its hight level in the fields of training and research covering many sectors and creating employment opportunities.
The field of technology in Lyon is also very competitive.
The leading sectors present inLyon are :
The medical sector and medical research groups with Merieux, Aventis, Sanofi, Merial, their headquarters are located in Lyon itself,
Computers with leading video game corporation (Atari, Electronic Arts)
The tech industry,
The automotive sector, with manufacturers (Renault Trucks), equipments (Plastic Omnium), research centers,
The field of chemistry, petrochemicals and other activities related to hydrocarbons are concentrated in the southern department of St-Fons, Pierre-Bénite Solaize Feyzin.
Lyon is the leading center of chemical production in France.
Well-known international institutions are present in Lyon:Interpol (International Organization of Criminal Police)
EuroNews (European TV channel)
The World Health Organization (WHO).